You never have to be strapped for cash again. With a Mastercard® credit card from Scottsdale Community Bank, you can always buy the things you need ... when you need them. We offer competitive interest rates, generous limits, and fraud protection.
- Low variable interest rates
- No default rate
- No annual fees
- 25-day grace period
- All cards issued with security enhanced EMV Chip
- Accepted worldwide
- Quick and easy approval
- 24-hour customer service
- Fraud protection
- Turn On/Off credit card
- Make payments locally or online at ezcardinfo.com
- Browse through Mastercard® rewards
We've got you covered.
All of our MasterCard® debit cards come with protection. Your purchase history is monitored for fraud patterns to identify uncharacteristic activity on your card. If fraud is detected, a fraud analyst will notify you and the bank of the suspected activity.